Difference between normal chromium coating and the decorative chrome
The difference is concerning the normal chromium coating and the decorative chrome. The production indicated: The first step during the coat process is a bath in a copper or electroless in a nickel container. electro less nickel or Copper serves as a cartridge, by making a connection between the unedlen metal and bright nickel and corrosion available on aluminum to prevent. The second layer is bright nickel. If you see a chromiertes piece metal, you see nickel real. There is the silver color and it supplies also corrosion resistance to the subject chrome is the third and locking layer of the coat process. But why we need chrome, if which we see, nickel are? Because that serves chrome as a free coat for nickel, there is the part the classical mirror end and prevents also that nickel clouds. I saw your answer to another reader in the respect to the chrome against chromate. My question is being located a little in connection and is, as follows…. The European connection has a guideline giv...